Economics say -- "money creates money". Yes, of course ! Now a days I understand the meaning of this definition. Since 2009 I have been writing a few blogs on Blog spot. All are technical blogs and related to technical base, because I am related with a business which belongs to the technical field.
Many engineering students came to me regarding their college project works. I mark something, actually so many students only trace on to follow their books only reading and anyhow they will get good marks on their examination table without any practical experience even knowing the name of the spare parts. They concentrate only to know name and work of instruments and equipments. About me, this is wrong. If you are an engineer, you must know all related spares because an engineer is like as an ear of engine.
It is not wrong to say this inspires me to write my first blog and I always try to write simple technical and point to point details to make my reader know the basics of an instrument.
From the beginning, I say about my profession. It is too difficult now-a-day to survive in a competitive market
with small investments and a little source of income. I thought if I write something like a blog, it is not bad, because through this I get some income.
But so many problems in front of me, to achieve my goal. The problem is experience. I do not have previous experience to write a blog.
Secondly, I do not have much knowledge nor I am a master of computer science.
Thirdly, If at all I write, I do not have enough money to put the blog across good website servers to increase its visibility.
My IT Friends always say that if a blog has less popularity, then search robots cannot view it. Thus it is meaning less to write a blog which the readers are unable to view.
In spite of all the difficulties narrated above, I started my blog-writing work-first of which wrote with BLOG SPOT -- to achieve my goal.
I go through a lot of blogs before I write something to know as to how the blog is written and to know what is the difference between one blog and other, and the most important thing-ping of a blog among other things.
Yes ! I started my first blog on electrical furnace. This is a small blog about electric furnace and its related components. I prefer this technical blog because I am associated with this equipment since last 15 years and it is an important and inevitable for any industry, research center as well as the students.
For this blog, I received all support from Blog Spot since it is a free service and any person can place blog with their gmail, google Id.
The second, ping of the blog is very important point of view for my blog. if the robot search engine is unable to view my blog, it is of no use in writing a blog spending so much of time and energy. So I decided to ping my blog initially on free service to ensure that at least some people will be able to view my blog.
I got an amazing message when I open my mail box on 25-03-2011 in the morning, Chitika informing me of acceptance of my blog and also a massage reading as "we are excited to tell you that your domain "" has been approve for our silver Level ads. welcome aboard!".Here it is not just a matter of money for me as to what they will pay, and how they will pay -- it is amazing to note their support and encouragement to me for writing more and more - - thus achieving my goal.